(channels_index_en: Found in cache)
(channels_type_index_en: Found in cache)
(channels_AUS_: Found in cache)
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(channels_BEL_: Found in cache)
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(channels_CAN_: Found in cache)
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(channels_CZE_: Found in cache)
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(channels_DNK_: Found in cache)
(channels_EST_: Found in cache)
(channels_FIN_: Found in cache)
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(channels_ITA_: Found in cache)
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(channels_PRT_: Found in cache)
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(channels_ZAF_: Found in cache)
(channels_ESP_: Found in cache)
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(channels_CHE_: Found in cache)
(channels_THA_: Found in cache)
(channels_TGO_: Found in cache)
(channels_TUR_: Found in cache)
(channels_EGY_: Found in cache)
(channels_GBR_: Found in cache)
(channels_USA_: Found in cache)
Retargeting platforms available on BeezUP • Feed management Hone your retargeting strategy with BeezUP Simplify the management of your retargeting actions via Criteo and other platforms Request a demo
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Also called ad retargeting, this technology targets visitors who have visited your website to invite them to return to your store, for highly targeted and customized advertising.
Main model: CPA (Commission)
Don’t wait any longer to raise your brand internationaly and multiply your customer contact points! Because a personalised demo is worth more than 1000 words. Let’s talk about you project!
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